
How Many Pools Does it Take?

Well so far we are on our third pool for this summer. I first got a smaller 5’x5′ square inflatable pool. We had one like it a couple of summers ago and the size was just right for the baby dogs. It’s even big enough for a one person seat type float. This square pool…

Going Slow

Sorry I’ve missed the blog the past few weeks. I hope you are all still hanging in there. I have got a a lot going on. Taking courses to set up my financial future and much more to come. After all, Baby Dogs aren’t cheap and I’m wanting another one in about a year or…

Missing Him!

Yes, you guessed it. It’s hot weather and pool time. Time for babies to play outside and run after balls thrown and chill in the baby, kiddie pool. But this year Dudley isn’t with us. He’s missed, immensely! In everything I do and all the Summer I see. Dutton to the right of picture 1.5…

A Special Sunny Day

Well we blew up the small inflatable pool today. Dutton by my side every minute. But the darn thing has a small leak. I pulled out his boat floatie and after his first dip into the cold water, he was happy as a lark. The other baby dogs Love sunbathing, especially after a cool dip…

Summer Time Sunning

One summer I bought all my dogs doggles (goggles) when I really meant to buy them sun glasses. Doggles (goggles) are made for under water, and I just wanted to keep the sun out of their eyes when they were lounging by the doggie pool. The old saying is that the owners of dogs look…

little Picky Thing Tonight

At the risk of using someone else’s saying. Isn’t this to true. Have you ever watched your Chihuahua’s “Go”? Mine don’t just squat, they squat and lift one back leg, doing the balancing act. It is quite funny! However I am and will always be “Extremely” Picky about who my dogs are around, what my…

Swimmy Doggie

As Summer Time in Georgia approaches, Ceeley is getting ready for her baby blow up pool to be put up very soon. But she really doesn’t need a life jacket. Chihuahuas can swim quite well, even if scared of the water at first, like Cydney was in the beginning, several summers ago. Not so much…

Cydney’s Sinuses

Let me preempt this story by telling you that Cyd is 7 years old and has pretty much always had some type of (what I thought was seizures), to the point her little tongue has turned black. I give her CBD liquid and do a little breathing into her nose. Then it subsides till the…

2 Tails

Real Quick: I thought I’d share what Dudley looked like a few weeks before he was gone. See how his hind legs are spread apart? Imagine that on the floor trying to walk. See how his front legs, his arms are bent in a curved position. Tough to stand up on. Now, notice how stiff…

Easter Love

Easter Love! On the day to recognize our love for Jesus Chirst, more than any day of the year, of his passing and his resurrection. Please be thankful for all those you love and those who love you. Keep us all safe and aware, thankful and grateful, for all we have, all we do, and…


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